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1. ________ it is today! 锛 锛
A. What fine weather       B. What a fine weather      
C. How a fine weather        D. How fine a weather
瑙f瀽锛氶堿.  姝ら瀹规槗璇塀.  weather鏄笉鍙暟鍚嶈瘝锛屽墠闈笉鑳芥湁涓嶅畾鍐犺瘝銆傝嫳璇腑缁忓父鑰冩煡鐨勪笉鍙暟鍚嶈瘝鏈墂ork, news, adivice, information绛夈
2. Which is the way to the __________? 锛 锛
A. shoe factory       B. shoes factory     C. shoe鈥檚 factory      D. shoes鈥 factory
瑙f瀽锛 閫堿.  姝ら鏋佹槗璇塀, C,  D.  鑻辫涓悕璇嶅崟鏁板彲浠ヤ慨楗板悕璇嶏紝濡傦細 an apple tree 鈫抰wo apple trees. 浣嗘敞鎰 a man teacher鈫抰wo men teachers銆
3. This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them. 锛 锛
A. are  studying       B. is  studying         C. be  studying            D. studying
瑙f瀽锛 閫堿.  姝ら瀹规槗璇塀.  class, family, team绛夊崟璇嶅鏋滆〃绀烘暣浣撹皳璇氨鐢ㄥ崟鏁帮紝琛ㄧず涓綋灏辩敤澶嶆暟锛屼粠璇鍙婂叾鍚庨潰鐨勪唬璇峵hem鍙互鐪嬪嚭锛宑lass琛ㄧず涓綋锛屾晠閫夋嫨A銆
4. We will have a _________ holiday after the exam. 锛 锛
A. two month        B. two-month       C. two month鈥檚          D. two-months
瑙f瀽锛 閫夋嫨B   姝ら瀹规槗璇塁, D. 鍦ㄨ嫳璇腑鏁拌瘝涓棿鐢ㄨ繛瀛楃鍙峰姞鍚嶈瘝鍗曟暟锛屾瀯鎴愮鍚堝悕璇嶏紝鍦ㄥ彞涓彧鑳戒綔瀹氳锛 濡傛灉閫夋嫨C, 闇瑕佹妸閫楀彿鏀緎鍚庨潰銆
5. There is no enough ________ on the corner to put the table. 锛 锛
A. place               B. room                     C. floor                    D. ground
瑙f瀽锛 閫塀.  姝ら鏈瀹规槗璇堿.銆 room鍦ㄥ彞涓槸绌洪棿鑰岄潪鎴块棿銆傚彞鎰忥細瑙掕惤閲屾病鏈夋憜妗屽瓙鐨勭┖闂翠簡銆
6. We can have _____  blue sky if we create _____ less polluted world. 锛 锛
A. a;   a             B. a;  the                   C. the;   a                 D. the;  the
瑙f瀽锛氶堿. 姝ら瀹规槗璇塁, D. 鏍规嵁鍙ユ剰锛氬鏋滄垜浠垱閫犱竴涓病鏈夋薄鏌撶殑涓栫晫锛岄偅涔堟垜浠氨鐢ㄤ竴涓摑鑹茬殑澶╃┖銆
7. 鈥 Are you __American or English? 鈥 English. We are working in Wuhu.. 锛 锛
A. a                  B. \                        C. the                      D. an
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 姝ら瀹规槗璇塂. 鍙ヤ腑American鏄舰瀹硅瘝鑰岄潪鍚嶈瘝锛屽鏋滃彞涓敼涓篈re you __________ or an English man? 灏遍夋嫨D銆
8. You like playing basketball, and he likes running, ____? 锛 锛
A. don鈥檛 you     B. doesn鈥檛 he     C. do you        D. does he
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨B. 姝ら瀹规槗璇堿. 鍏跺疄涓嶆槸瀵瑰墠闈㈢殑鍙ヤ腑杩涜鍙嶉棶锛岃屾槸瀵筯e likes running杩涜鍙嶉棶銆
9. 鈥擶hy not take __umbrella with the sign 鈥 Made in China鈥濓紵 It is   ___ useful  umbrella?
鈥擶hat _______ good advice it is! 锛 锛
A. an; an; a           B. an; a; \              C.  a;  an;  a          D. \; an; a
瑙f瀽锛 閫塀.  澶у鏁板鐢熷鏄撳仛閿欐棰樸傝浣廰n鐢ㄥ湪鍏冮煶闊崇礌鍓嶈屼笉鏄厓闊冲瓧姣嶅墠锛岃浣忎簡杩欎竴鐐瑰氨鐭ラ亾浜哸n umbrella 鍜宎  useful  umbrella. 鍦ㄦ渶鍚庝竴鍙ヤ腑advice鏄笉鍙暟鍚嶈瘝锛屽墠闈笉鑳芥帴涓嶅畾鍐犺瘝銆傛晠閫夋嫨B
10. 鈥擶hen shall we meet again next week?     锛 锛
鈥 _______ day is possible. It鈥檚 no problem with me.
A. Either             B. Neither            C. Every                D. Any
瑙f瀽锛 姝ら闈炲父闅撅紝閫塂. 涓嬪懆浠讳綍涓澶╅兘鍙互鍐嶆瑙侀潰銆侫ny鍦ㄨ偗瀹氬彞涓剰鎬濇槸鈥滀换浣曠殑鈥濄備笅鍛ㄦ湁涓冨ぉ瀹规槗鎺掗櫎A, B. 濡傛灉鎶妌ext week 鏀逛负next Monday or Tuesday, 鍒欏繀椤婚夋嫨A銆
11. Robert has gone  to _________ city and he鈥檒l be back in a week. 锛 锛
A. other             B. the other          C. another              D. any other銆
瑙f瀽锛氶塁.  涓変釜浠ヤ笂鍙﹀涓涓敤another, other涓鑸儏鍐典笅淇グ鍚嶈瘝澶嶆暟锛 the other琛ㄧず涓や釜涓殑鍙﹀涓涓紝any other浠讳綍鍒殑銆傚彞鎰忥細缃椾集鐗瑰幓浜嗗彟涓涓煄甯傦紝涓鍛ㄥ悗鍥炴潵銆
12. 鈥擜 latest magazine, please.   
鈥擮nly one left. Would you like to have ________? 锛 锛
A. it                 B. one                C. this                 D. that
瑙f瀽锛氶堿. 姝ら瀹规槗璇塀. 鏍规嵁鍙ユ剰锛氣 涔颁竴浠芥渶鏂版姤绾革紝鈥斿彧鍓╀笅涓浠戒簡锛屼綘瑕佷拱杩欎唤鍚楋紵鎹鎴戜滑鐭ラ亾鎸囩殑灏辨槸鎵嬮噷鐨勯偅浠芥姤绾革紝骞朵笉鏄悓涓绫讳簨鐗┿
13.鈥擶hich book would you like to borrow?    锛 锛
鈥 ________ of the two books is OK with me.
A. Either           B. Both              C. Any                D. None
瑙f瀽锛氶堿.  姝ら瀹规槗璇塀. 鏍规嵁two books濂藉鏄撴帓闄, D. 浠庤皳璇姩璇嶅崟鏁癷s 鎴戜滑鎺掗櫎B銆傛晠閫夋嫨A銆
14. Mrs. Lee teaches ________ math. We all like her. 锛 锛
A. we              B. us                C. our                 D. ours
瑙f瀽锛 閫塀.  鑰冩煡瀛︾敓瀵箃each sb sth銆傜殑鎺屾彙鎯呭喌銆 姝ら瀹规槗璇塁. 璇塁鐨勫鐢熸槸鐪嬭鍚庨潰鏈夊悕璇峬ath, 鎬濈淮瀹氬娍鍚嶈瘝鍓嶉潰蹇呴』鐢ㄥ舰瀹硅瘝鎬х墿涓讳唬璇嶃
15. There are many trees on ________ side of the street. 锛 锛
A. either                 B. any                   C. all                      D. both
瑙f瀽锛氶堿.  姝ら瀹规槗璇塂. 琛楅亾鍙湁涓よ竟锛屾帓闄, C.  both鍚庨潰鎺ュ鏁帮紝on either side of the strreet绛変簬on the both sides of. 銆傚鏋滈夋嫨D. side蹇呴』鐢ㄥ鏁板舰寮忋
16.________ is the population of the city? 锛 锛
A. How many          B. What                C. How many people     D. How much
瑙f瀽锛欱銆傛棰樺鏄撹閫堿, C. 浜哄彛澶氬皯鐢╓hat. 鐩稿綋浜嶩ow many people are there in the city?
17. 鈥擶hy don鈥檛 we take a little break?  锛 锛
鈥 Didn鈥檛 we just have _______ ?
A. it                     B .that                 C. one                  D. this
瑙f瀽锛氶 C. 鍚岀被浜嬬墿鐢╫ne.  鍙ユ剰锛氣斾负浠涔堟垜浠笉浼戞伅涓浼氬効锛熲斿垰鎵嶆垜浠笉鏄墠浼戞伅鍚楋紵
18. The teacher asked the boy many questions,but he only answered___ of them. 锛 锛
A.some          B.lots         C.each        D.few
瑙f瀽锛氶堿. 姝ら浼氳閫塂. 浣嗗墠闈㈡湁only, 濡傛灉鍘绘帀鍓瘝鍒欓塂銆
19.About ______ the fans are waiting here. They want to see the great singer. 锛 锛
A. two thousand of      B.two thousand     C.thousand of      D.two thousands of
瑙f瀽锛氶堿. 姝ら鏋佸鏄撻夐敊锛岃璁や负鏄疊. 浣唗wo thousand鍚庨潰鐩存帴鎺ュ悕璇嶅鏁帮紝涓嶈兘鏈夊啝璇峵he, 鍙ユ剰鏄細姝岃糠涓ぇ绾︽湁2000浜哄湪閭i噷绛夛紝鎯崇湅鐪嬭繖浣嶄紵澶х殑姝屾槦銆
20. 鈥擧ow many apples do I have?   锛 锛
鈥 You can have ______. I want none of them.
A. one               B. all                  C. both               D.some
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 瀛︾敓鏄撹閫堿 , D. 鍏跺疄濡傛灉娌℃湁I want none of them杩欏彞璇濓紝鍥涗釜绛旀閮芥槸瀵圭殑銆備粠鍙ユ剰锛氭垜涓涓篃涓嶆兂瑕侊紝灏辩煡閬撲綘鍙互鍚冩墍鏈夎嫻鏋溿
21.Japan is ________ the east of China. Fujian is ____ the southeast of China. 锛 锛
A. in; in               B. to; in               C. on ; to              D. in; to
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 鏃ユ湰浣嶄簬涓浗涓滈儴(澶栭潰)鐢╰o, 绂忓缓浣嶄簬涓浗涓滈儴(鍐呴儴)鐢╥n銆
22.The postman shouted, 鈥 Mr Green, here is a letter ________ you.鈥 锛 锛
A. to                 B. from                C. for                D. of
瑙f瀽锛 閫塁. 浠嬭瘝鐨勮冩煡銆傚彞鎰忥細Mr Green, 杩欐槸浣犵殑淇°傚鐢熷鏄撹閫堿銆
23.He hasn鈥檛 heard from his friend _________ last month. 锛 锛
A. since             B. by the end of         C. for              D. until
瑙f瀽锛 A. 姝ら瀛︾敓瀹规槗鍙楁濈淮瀹氬娍not鈥 until鈥︾殑褰卞搷璇塂銆俿ince鐢ㄤ簬鐜板湪瀹屾垚鏃讹紝濡傛灉姝ら鏄竴鑸繃鍘绘椂灏遍夋嫨D銆
24. 鈥擩immy lost his key yesterday銆 锛 锛
 鈥擾_______? It鈥檚 his third time in just one month.
A. Has he        B. Did he       C. Was he       D. Does he
瑙f瀽锛欱. 鏍规嵁涓婁竴鍙ヤ竴鑸繃鍘绘椂鍙互鍒ゆ柇銆
25.You鈥檝e passed the exam. I鈥檓 happy ______ you. 锛 锛
A. on               B. at                   C. in                D. for
瑙f瀽锛氶塂. 鍙ユ剰锛氫綘鑰冭瘯鍙婃牸浜嗭紝鎴戜负浣犻珮鍏淬
26. I wonder ________ they finished so many different jobs in such a short time. 锛 锛
A. why             B. how               C. when             D. where
瑙f瀽锛氶塀.  鍙ユ剰锛氭垜鎯崇煡閬撲粬鍦ㄥ姝ょ煭鐨勬椂闂村唴鏄庢牱瀹屾垚杩欎箞澶氫笉鍚屽伐浣滅殑銆
27.鈥擮ught I to go right now?    锛 锛
鈥  A. That鈥檚 very bad.   B. Yes, you go ought to    
C. Yes, you ought    D. No, you ought not to
瑙f瀽锛 閫塂. 鍙ュ瓙鐨勮偗瀹氬洖绛斾负锛歒es, you ought to. 鍚﹀畾鍥炵瓟涓猴細No, you ought not to.
28. I don鈥檛 know when he _____. When he _____ here, I鈥檒l call you in a minute. 锛 锛
A. will come; will arrive  B. comes; arrices  
C. will come; arrives  D. comes; will arrive
瑙f瀽锛氶塁.  绗竴鍙ユ槸瀹捐浠庡彞鏍规嵁璇鐢ㄤ竴鑸皢鏉ユ椂锛岀浜屽彞鏄椂闂寸姸璇粠鍙ワ紝鐢变簬涓诲彞鏄竴鑸皢鏉ユ椂锛岄偅涔堜粠鍙ヨ鐢ㄤ竴鑸幇鍦ㄦ椂鏉ヤ唬鏇裤
29. He turned ________ the radio a little because his father was asleep. 锛 锛
A. on               B. down               C. up             D. off
瑙f瀽锛 閫塀.  姝ら瀛︾敓浼氳閫塂. 浣嗗悗闈㈡湁涓壇璇嶇煭璇璦 little, 鏁呴夋嫨B, 鎰忎负锛氭妸鏀堕煶鏈鸿皟灏忎竴鐐癸紝鐖朵翰鍦ㄧ潯瑙夈傚鏋滃幓鎺塧 little鍒欓夋嫨D銆
30. I don鈥檛 know the homework _______ today. 锛 锛
A. on                    B. in                  C. of              D. for
瑙f瀽锛 閫塂. 鍙ユ剰锛 鎴戜笉鐭ラ亾浠婂ぉ鐨勫搴綔涓氥
31. 鈥擶ould you like some coffee? 锛 锛
鈥擸es, and  please  get  me  some  milk.  I prefer coffee ____ milk.
A. with                B.  to              C.  of            D.  on
瑙f瀽锛 A. 姝ら瀛︾敓鏋佹槗鍙楁濈淮瀹氬娍prefer鈥 to鈥 鐨勫奖鍝嶈閫塀銆傚彞鎰忥細鎴戝枩娆㈠姞鐗涘ザ鐨勫挅鍟°
32. They each ___ a book. Each of them ___  from China. 锛 锛
A. has;are            B. have; is          C. are having;are       D. is having;is
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 姝ら鑰冩煡涓昏皳涓鑷淬傛棰樺簲璇ョ敤涓鑸幇鍦ㄦ椂锛屾帓闄,  D. each浣滃悓浣嶈璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝涓庝富璇繚鎸佷竴鑷达紝each鍋氫富璇皳璇姩璇嶇敤鍗曟暟銆
33.鈥 ________ you ________ your book to the library?   锛 锛
鈥擸es. I returned it yesterday.
A. Did, return       B. Have, returned           C. Will, return         D. Do, return
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨B. 姝ら瀹规槗璇堿. 浠庡彞鎰忕湅锛氫綘鎶婁功褰掕繕鍥句功棣嗕簡鍚楋紵鏄殑銆傛垜鏄ㄥぉ褰掕繕浜嗐傚鐜板湪鐨勫奖鍝嶆槸鈥滀功涓嶅湪杩欏効浜嗏濄
34.Though it鈥檚 cloudy now, it ________ get sunny later. 锛 锛
A. can                 B. may                C. must            D. need
瑙f瀽锛 閫塀. 琛ㄧず鍙兘鎬х敤may.  Can涓昏琛ㄧず涓ょ鐢ㄦ硶锛屼竴绉嶆槸琛ㄧず鑳藉姏锛屽彟澶栦竴绉嶆槸璇锋眰璁稿彲锛 must蹇呴』锛沶eed闇瑕併
35.It is in the library, you _______ talk loudly. 锛 锛
A. may not           B. can鈥檛              C. needn鈥檛          D. mustn鈥檛
36If anyone wants to say something in class, you ______ put up your hands first. 锛 锛
A. must             B. may             C. should           D. can
瑙f瀽锛氶塁銆 鍙ユ剰锛 璇惧爞涓婂鏋滀綘鎯宠鐐逛笢瑗匡紝浣犲簲璇ヤ妇鎵嬨
37.The pen _________ him ten yuan. 锛 锛
A. paid             B. cost               C. took             D. spent
瑙f瀽锛氶塀.   鍔ㄨ瘝杈ㄦ瀽銆備富璇槸鐗╃敤cost.  Pay, spend鐨勪富璇槸浜恒 Take鐨勫舰寮忎富璇槸it銆傘
38.The train _________ for twenty minutes. 锛 锛
A. left             B. has left           C. is leaving        D. has been away
瑙f瀽锛 閫塂. 姝ら褰㈠紡浼氳閫塀. 浣嗙灛闂存у姩璇嶄笉鑳戒笌涓娈垫椂闂磃or twenty minutes杩炵敤銆
39. 鈥擧ow many books _____ they ________? 锛 锛
鈥擣ive. But they haven鈥檛 finished reading even one銆
A. did锛宐orrow     B. had锛宐orrowed     C . will锛宐orrow   D. do锛宐orrow
瑙f瀽锛 閫堿銆 姝ら鑰冩煡鏃舵侊紝鏍规嵁璇锛氫粬浠竴鏈篃娌℃湁璇诲畬銆傚彲鐭ヤ粬浠互鍓嶅熶簡5鏈功銆傚己璋冭繃鍘汇
40. He _________ his bike so he has to walk there. 锛 锛
A. lost         B. has lost               C. had lost           D. loses
瑙f瀽锛氶塀.  姝ら鑰冩煡鏃舵侊紝鏍规嵁璇浠栦涪浜嗚嚜琛岃溅锛屽鐜板湪閫犳垚鐨勫奖鍝嶆槸涓嶅緱涓嶈蛋璺
41.鈥擟ould I use your dictionary?     锛 锛
鈥 Yes, you _________.
A. need           B. could               C. can         D. should
瑙f瀽锛氶塁銆 姝ら瀹规槗璇塀. 姝ら涓璫ould骞朵笉鏄〃绀鸿繃鍘伙紝鑰屾槸濮斿〾鐨勫緛姹傛剰瑙侊紝鍏惰偗瀹氬洖绛旀槸Yes, you can銆
42. In the past few years there _________ great changes in my hometown. 锛 锛
A. have been          B.  were       C.  had been       D. are
瑙f瀽锛氶堿.  姝ら瀹规槗璇堿.  涓鑸儏鍐典笅In the past few years鐢ㄤ簬鐜板湪瀹屾垚鏃讹紝In the past鐢ㄤ簬涓鑸繃鍘绘椂銆
43. 鈥擟ould you tell me when Mr. Li ________ in Huanggang 锛 锛
鈥 Sure. When he ________,  I鈥檒l call you.
A. arrives;  will arrive   B. will arrive; arrives    
C. arrives; arrives       D.will arrive; will arrive
瑙f瀽锛氶塀.  绗竴鍙ユ槸瀹捐浠庡彞鏍规嵁璇鐢ㄤ竴鑸皢鏉ユ椂锛岀浜屽彞鏄椂闂寸姸璇粠鍙ワ紝鐢变簬涓诲彞鏄竴鑸皢鏉ユ椂锛岄偅涔堜粠鍙ヨ鐢ㄤ竴鑸幇鍦ㄦ椂鏉ヤ唬鏇
44. 鈥擬ary dances best in our school.  锛 锛
鈥擨 agree. I鈥檒l never forget ___ her dance for the first time.
A.see            B.to see            C.seeing             D.seen
瑙f瀽锛氶塁銆傛棰樺鏄撹閫塀. 濡傛灉瀛︾敓鎯虫纭夊嚭绛旀锛屽繀椤荤煡閬揻orget to do sth(蹇樿鍋氭煇浜)锛沠orget doing sth(蹇樿鍋氳繃鏌愪簨)銆傛牴鎹澧冮夋嫨C銆
45. 鈥擨s tea ready? 锛 锛
鈥擭o, mother is _______ it ready now.
A. doing            B. cooking         C. burning         D. getting
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨D. 姝ら绋嶉毦锛宺eady鏄舰瀹硅瘝锛実et sth +adj鏄噯澶囧ソ鏌愪簨銆侫, B, C, 鍔ㄨ瘝鍚庨潰鍙兘鎺ュ壇璇嶃
46. There are many people downstairs. What do you think _________ ? 锛 锛
A.to happen       B. happening      C. is happened      D. has happened
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨D. 姝ら鎴戜滑棣栧厛鎺掗櫎C. 鍥犱负鍔ㄨ瘝happen鏄笉鍙婄墿鍔ㄨ瘝锛屾病鏈夎鍔ㄨ鎬併侭绛旀灏戜簡鍔╁姩璇峣s, A鍔ㄨ瘝涓嶅畾寮忚〃绀哄皢鏉ワ紝鏍规嵁璇搴旇鐢ㄧ幇鍦ㄥ畬鎴愭椂鎴栫幇鍦ㄨ繘琛屾椂銆
47.  Remember to spend some time____ your loved ones,because they are not going to be around forever.  锛 锛
A. from              B. with               C. in                 D. on
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 姝ら95%鐨勫鐢熷鏄撻夐敊銆備富瑕佹槸鍙梥pend鈥n...鎬濈淮瀹氬娍鐨勫奖鍝嶃傚叾瀹炲彞鎰忔槸锛氳浣忎笌浣犲枩娆㈢殑浜哄害杩囦竴娈垫椂闂达紝鍥犱负浠栦滑涓嶄細姘歌繙涓庝綘鍦ㄤ竴璧枫
48. 鈥擨 hear Sam has gone to Qingdao for his holiday.
鈥擮h, how nice! Do you know when he _______? 锛 锛
A. left              B. was leaving        C. has left            D. had left
瑙f瀽锛氶堿. 鍓嶉潰璇磋惃濮嗗凡缁忓幓闈掑矝搴﹀亣浜嗭紝璇存槑宸茬粡绂诲紑銆傝寃hen涓鑸儏鍐典笅涓嶈兘涓庣幇鍦ㄥ畬鎴愭椂杩炵敤锛屾晠閫堿銆
49.鈥擠avid, look at the man in white over there. Can you tell me _______ ?  锛 锛
鈥擧e is a doctor.
A.who is he       B.who he is         C. what does he do      D. what he does
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨D. 姝ら鍙互鐢ㄦ帓闄ゆ硶锛屽璇粠鍙ョ敤闄堣堪鍙ヨ搴忥紝瀹规槗鎺掗櫎A, C. 鏍规嵁绛旇He is a doctor鐭ラ亾搴旇鏄棶鑱屼笟锛寃ho 鏄敤鏉ヨ闂韩浠界殑銆
50. 鈥擨 want to teach inTibet when I graduate from the college. 锛 锛
鈥擬e too.Teachers ___very much there.
A. need      B. are needing    C. are needed      D. is needed
瑙f瀽锛氶塁銆傝佸笀鍦ㄩ偅鍎挎槸琚渶瑕侊紝鎺掗櫎A, B. 涓昏Teachers鏄鏁帮紝鎺掗櫎D. 鏁呴夋嫨C銆
51. 鈥擳ommy, do you know if Frank ___ to the theatre with us this Sunday if it ____?
鈥擲orry, I have no idea. 
A. will go, is going to be fine            B. goes, is fine
C. will go, is fine                       D. goes, will be fine
瑙f瀽锛氶塁.  绗竴涓猧f寮曞鐨勬槸瀹捐浠庡彞锛屾牴鎹澧冪敤涓鑸皢鏉ユ椂锛 绗簩if 寮曞鐘惰浠庡彞锛屾牴鎹富灏嗕粠鐜板師鍒欙紝鍓嶉潰涓诲彞鏄竴鑸皢鏉ユ椂锛岄偅涔堜粠鍙ヨ鐢ㄤ竴鑸幇鍦ㄦ椂銆
52. I don鈥檛 have to introduce him to you ____ you know the boy. 
A. until                B. unless                   C. since            D. but
瑙f瀽锛氶塁. 杩炶瘝鐨勫尯鍒傛牴鎹澧冿細鏃㈢劧浣犺璇嗚繖浣嶇敺瀛╋紝鎴戝氨娌℃湁蹇呰鍚戜綘浠嬬粛浠栦簡銆傛敞鎰忥紝since闄や簡鏈夆滆嚜浠庘濅箣鎰忓锛岃繕鏈夆滃洜涓猴紝鏃㈢劧鈥濅箣鎰忋
53. 鈥 Would you please ____ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious (鏄庢樉鐨) mistakes?  锛 锛
鈥 Of course I will. 
A. look around      B. look through       C. look up           D. look into
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 鍔ㄨ瘝鐭杈ㄦ瀽銆俵ook around鐜【锛沴ook through娴忚锛沴ook up鏌ユ壘锛 look into璋冩煡銆傛牴鎹鍙ユ剰锛氳浣犲府鎴戞祻瑙堜竴涓嬭瘯鍗风湅鐪嬫湁娌℃湁鏄庢樉閿欒鍙互鍚?
54. 鈥擳his pair of shoes _______ really small for me. 锛 锛
鈥擶hy not try another _________.
A. is, pair                B. are, pair                C. is, one                D. are, one
瑙f瀽锛氶堿銆俆his pair of shoes/pants鍋氫富璇紝璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鐨勬暟鍙栧喅浜巔air鐨勫崟澶嶆暟锛屽鏋減air鏄崟鏁拌皳璇姩璇嶅氨鐢ㄥ崟鏁帮紝鍙嶄箣鐢ㄥ鏁帮紝杩欐牱鎴戜滑灏辨帓闄, D. 鍙堝洜涓簊hoes鏄鏁帮紝涓嶈兘鐩存帴鐢╫ne浠f浛锛屾晠閫夋嫨A銆
55. If you don鈥檛 go to the meeting tomorrow, _____? 锛 锛
A. he will, too    B. he won鈥檛, either    C. he does, too     D. he doesn鈥檛, either
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 姝ら瀹规槗璇塂. 鐢变簬鏁翠釜鍙ュ瓙涓惈鏈夋潯浠剁姸璇粠鍙ワ紝鏍规嵁涓诲皢浠庣幇鍘熷垯锛屽墠闈㈢殑浠庡彞鏄竴鑸皢鏉ユ椂锛屽悗闈㈢殑涓诲彞搴旇鏄竴鑸幇鍦ㄦ椂銆
56. I don鈥檛 think we can finish all the work before Friday, ________? 锛 锛
A. do I                    B. can we                C. can鈥檛 we            D. don鈥檛 we
瑙f瀽锛氶塀.  姝ら瀛︾敓鏈瀹规槗璇堿, C. 浠 think寮曞鐨勫璇粠鍙ュ叾鍙嶆剰鐤戦棶鍙ュ簲璇ュ鍚庨潰鐨勪粠鍙ヨ繘琛屽弽闂紝鏈浠庡彞瀹為檯涓婃槸鍚﹀畾鍙ワ紝鍙笉杩囧惁瀹氳浆绉诲埌鍓嶉潰鐨勪富鍙ュ幓浜嗐傛晠閫夋嫨B銆
57. The shop ________ at 8:00 a.m. and it ________ for ten hours every day. 锛 锛
A. opens; is open       B. is opened; opens      
C. is open; has opened   D. opened; opens
瑙f瀽锛氶堿銆 姝ら瀛︾敓瀹规槗璇塁.  瑕佺煡閬搊pen浣滃姩璇嶆椂鏄灛闂存у姩璇嶏紝涓嶈兘涓庤〃绀轰竴娈垫椂闂寸殑鐘惰杩炵敤锛屾晠鎺掗櫎C. 鏍规嵁鏃堕棿鍓瘝every day涓嶇敤涓鑸繃鍘绘椂锛屾帓闄, 鏍规嵁鍙ユ剰锛氭瘡澶╁紑闂10灏忔椂锛岃〃绀虹姸鎬侊紝涓嶈〃绀哄姩浣滐紝鎺掗櫎B銆
58. The old man lives in a     town. He lives    , but he doesn鈥檛 feel        . 锛 锛
A. lonely, lonely, alone      B.alone, alone, lonely    
C. lonely, alone, lonely   D.alone, alone, alone
瑙f瀽锛氶塁銆俵onely鏄舰瀹硅瘝锛屽彲浠ュ仛琛ㄨ锛屼篃鍙互浣滃畾璇紝鎰忎负瀵傚癁鐨勶紝鍋忓兓鐨勶紝 alone鏃㈡槸褰㈠璇嶄篃鏄壇璇嶏紝鎰忎负鐙嚜鐨/鍦帮紝鍗曠嫭鐨/鍦般
59. 鈥擠o you know _______?   锛 锛
鈥擨鈥檓 not sure.Maybe an artist.
A.what the man with long hair is          .what is the man with long hair
C.who the man with long hair is         D.who is the man with long hair
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨A. 姝ら鍙互鐢ㄦ帓闄ゆ硶锛屽璇粠鍙ョ敤闄堣堪鍙ヨ搴忥紝瀹规槗鎺掗櫎B, D. 鏍规嵁绛旇鐭ラ亾搴旇鏄棶鑱屼笟锛寃hat鍙互琛ㄧず鑱屼笟锛寃ho 鏄敤鏉ヨ闂韩浠界殑銆
60.鈥擶hy don鈥檛 you choose the red tie? 锛 锛
鈥擣or me, it doesn鈥檛 _____ my shirt very well.
A. fix          B. accept        C. compare       D. match
瑙f瀽锛氶塂. 鏈鑰冩煡鍔ㄨ瘝match鎰忎负鎼厤鐨勭敤娉曪紝鍙ユ剰鏄滃畠涓庢垜鐨勮‖琛笉鎼厤鈥濆簲閫夋嫨D銆傚鐢熼敊閫夊師鍥犲彲鑳芥槸鎶妋atch褰撳悕璇嶇敤锛屽嵆锛氭墜琛紝姣旇禌銆傚叾浠栭夐」涓嶇鍚堥鎰忋 fix 瀹夎锛涗娇鍥哄畾锛涘浐瀹氾紱 accept 鎺ュ彈锛沜ompare 姣旇緝銆
61. 鈥擧ello,Sandy. This is Jack. What are you doing? 锛 锛
鈥擨鈥檓 watching a match. It started at 7:00 p.m and _____ on for another an hour.
A.has been        B.was       C.had been       D.will be
瑙f瀽锛氶塂. 鏈鑰冩煡鏃舵併傛牴鎹澧冿細姣旇禌杩樿杩涜涓涓皬鏃躲傜敤涓鑸皢鏉ユ椂銆
62.  鈥擾_________?  锛 锛
鈥擳hings are going very well.
A. How soon does it go     B. How often does it go
C. How far is it go          D. How is everything going
瑙f瀽锛氶塂. 鏈鍙樼浉娴嬭瘯瀛︾敓鐨勫彛璇兘鍔涗互鍙婂鏃ュ父浼氳瘽鐨勭悊瑙 How is everything going鎰忔濅负锛氳繎鍐靛浣曪紵锛屽彧鏈塂椤圭鍚堥鎰忋傘
63. The population of the world in the 20th century became very much _________ than that in the 19th. 锛 锛
A. bigger               B. larger              C. greater                D. more
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 鏈鑰冩煡population浜哄彛澶у皬鐨勫浐瀹氱敤娉曪紝鍗崇敱larger淇グ銆傛牴鎹繛璇峵han涓嶉毦閫夊嚭B绛旀銆
64. 鈥擶hat鈥檚 the weather like tomorrow?   锛 锛
鈥擳he radio says it is going to be even ______.
A. bad                 B. worst                C. badly                 D. worse
瑙f瀽锛氶塂. even淇グ姣旇緝绾с傝屼笖鏍规嵁璇搴旇鏄槑澶╃殑澶╂皵姣斾粖澶╂洿鍔犵碂绯曘
65. Though she talks ______, she has made _______ friends here. 锛 锛
A. a little, a few        B. little, few            C. little, a few       D. few, a few
瑙f瀽锛氶塁. 鏍规嵁鍙ユ剰锛 灏界濂逛笉澶璇濓紝浣嗗ス鍦ㄨ繖閲屼氦浜嗗嚑涓湅鍙嬨
66. 鈥擬y parents never stop going on about(鍞犲彣) how I should study hard. __. 锛 锛
A. So my parents do     B. Nor my parents     C. Nor do my parents     
D. Neither my parents do
瑙f瀽锛氶塁. 姝ら鑰冩煡鍊掕鍙ワ紝鍥犱负鍓嶉潰鍙ヤ腑鏈夊惁瀹氳瘝never, 鏁呭悗闈㈠掕鍙ユ槸nor/neither+鍔╁姩璇+涓昏銆
67. He never does his work _______ Mary. 锛 锛
A. as careful as        B. so careful as         C. as carefully as        D. carefully as
瑙f瀽锛氶塁. 鍓瘝鐨勫悓绾ф瘮杈冿紝鍓瘝淇グ鍔ㄨ瘝锛屾帓闄, B. as鈥s鈥︿笌......涓鏍......銆
68.Many Chinese  students think science subjects are __ foreign languages. 锛 锛
A. more difficult as       B. less difficult than      
C. much difficult than      D. so difficult as
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 姝ら鍙互閲囩敤鎺掗櫎娉曘傞夋嫨A鐨勮瘽蹇呴』鎶妋ore鏀逛负as鎴栨妸as鏀逛负than; 濡傛灉閫夋嫨C, 鍒欏簲璇ユ妸much鏀逛负more鎴栧湪much鍚庨潰鍔爉ore; 閫夋嫨D鍒欓渶瑕佹妸so鏀逛负as銆
69.  _________ music she is playing! 锛 锛
A. What nice            B. How nice          C. What a nice         D. How nice a
瑙f瀽锛氶堿.銆 music鏄笉鍙暟鍚嶈瘝锛屾瀯鎴恮hat+褰㈠璇+涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇+涓昏皳锛
70.  His work is better than __________.  锛 锛
A. anyone           B. anyone else     C. anyone else鈥檚   D. anyone鈥檚 else
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨C. 姝ら瀹规槗璇塀. 姣旇緝绾т腑锛屾瘮杈冪殑瀵硅薄搴旇鍓嶅悗涓鑷淬侶is work 搴旇涓巃nyone else鈥檚 work鐩告瘮杈冦
71. The nurse told the children the sun ______ in the east. 锛 锛
A. rises               B. rose              C. will rise                  D. has risen
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨A. 姝ら瀹规槗璇塀. 鍦ㄥ璇粠鍙ヤ腑锛屽鏋滀富鍙ョ敤涓鑸繃鍘绘椂锛屽垯浠庡彞鐢ㄧ浉搴旂殑杩囧幓鏃舵侊紝浣嗗鏋滀粠鍙ヨ〃绀哄瑙傜湡鐞嗭紝鍒欑敤涓鑸幇鍦ㄦ椂銆
72. 鈥擜re you sure you have to? It鈥檚 been very late. 锛 锛
鈥 I don鈥檛 know ______ I can do it if not now.
A. where             B.  why             C.  when                D.  how
瑙f瀽锛氶塁. 鏍规嵁璇锛氬鏋滅幇鍦ㄤ笉鍋氾紝鎴戜笉鐭ラ亾浣曟椂鍙互鍋氥
73. 鈥擧ello, Jack! Haven鈥檛 seen you for a long time!  锛 锛
鈥擩ohn! ________
A. How old are you? B. How are you?  C. How鈥檚 that?  D. How time flies!
瑙f瀽锛氶塂. 姝ら瀹规槗璇塀. 鏍规嵁璇閫夋嫨D. 鍗虫椂闂磋繃寰楃湡蹇紒
74. I could not get through the door because there was a big stone _______.锛 锛
A. by the way          B. on the way     C. out of the way       D. in the way
瑙f瀽锛氶塂.  姝ら瀛︾敓瀹规槗璇塀. by the way椤轰究璇达紱on the way鍦ㄨ矾涓婏紱out of the way涓嶆尅閬擄紱 in the way鎸¢亾锛屽Θ纰嶃傛牴鎹彞鎰忥細鍥犱负鏈夊潡鐭冲ご鎸¢亾锛屾墍浠ユ垜涓嶈兘閫氳繃闂ㄣ
75. Can you lend me the book ___ the other day? 锛 锛
A. that you talked       B. you talked about it   
C. which you talked to   D. you talked about
瑙f瀽锛氶塂. 姝ら鑰冩煡瀹氳浠庡彞鐨勭敤娉曪紝瀛︾敓瀹规槗璇堿, B. 姝ら瀹规槗鎺掗櫎C. talk to鐨勫璇槸浜鸿屼笉鏄墿锛屽張鐢变簬talk鏄笉鍙婄墿鍔ㄨ瘝锛岃皥璁烘煇鐗╂槸talk abot, 鍏崇郴浠h瘝that鏄痶alk about 鐨勫璇紝鍙互鐪佺暐銆
76. 鈥擸ou never told us why you were late for the meeting,____? 锛 锛

鈥 _______. I think it is not necessary to explain.
A.weren鈥檛 you; No      B. did you; No      C. did you; Yes         D. didn鈥檛 you; No
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 姝ら杈冮毦锛屽鐢熼潪甯稿鏄撻夐敊銆 棣栧厛姝ら瀹规槗鎺掗櫎A, D. 鍥犱负鍙ヤ腑鏈夊惁瀹氳瘝never, 鍙嶄箟鐤戦棶鍙ョ殑鍘熷垯鏄墠鍚﹀悗鑲傚湪鍙嶄箟鐤戦棶鍙ュ洖绛斾腑锛屽鏋滀簨瀹炴槸鑲畾鐨勶紝灏辩敤鑲畾鍥炵瓟锛屽弽涔嬶紝鍒欑敤鍚﹀畾鍥炵瓟銆傛牴鎹笅鍙ワ細娌℃湁蹇呰瑙i噴锛岃鏄庘滀綘鈥濇病鏈夊憡璇夋垜涓轰粈涔堜綘杩熷埌浜嗐
77.  鈥 What is your little brother like?   锛 锛
鈥擾_______. He enjoys telling jokes.
A. He is tall and thin     B. He is shy and quiet.     
C. He is outgoing and funny.   D. He is strong and heavy銆
瑙f瀽锛歐hat is your little brother like?鏃㈠彲浠ョ敤鏉ヨ闂汉鐨勫璨岋紝涔熷彲浠ヨ闂汉鐨勬ф牸鐗瑰緛锛屾牴鎹瓾e enjoys telling jokes锛岃鏄庝粬澶栧悜銆佹粦绋姐
78.  Jim鈥檚 father got very angry _________. 锛 锛
A. with that he had done    B. with what he had done   
C. at what he had done     D. at what had he done
瑙f瀽锛氶塁. 姝ら瀹规槗璇塀. be/get/become angry with sb瀵规煇浜虹敓姘旓紝be/get/become angry at sth瀵规煇浜嬬敓姘斻 鎵鍋氱殑浜嬪彂鐢熷湪鐢熸皵涔嬪墠锛屽璇粠鍙ョ敤闄堣堪鍙ヨ搴忥紝鏁呴夋嫨C銆
79.  鈥擶hat are on show in the museum?銆 锛 锛
鈥擲ome photos _______  by the children of Yushu, Qinghai.
A. have been taken        B. were taken            C. are taken         D. taken
瑙f瀽锛氶塂. 姝ら瀛︾敓鏈瀹规槗鍑洪敊锛岃閫塀. 褰撶劧鏈夌殑鑰佸笀涔熶細鍑洪敊銆傛棰樿冩煡杩囧幓鍒嗚瘝浣滃畾璇傛鍙ュ瓙鍏跺疄鏄釜鐪佺暐鍙ワ紝瀹屾暣鍙ヤ腑搴旇鏄細Some photos taken  by the children of Yushu, Qinghai are on show in the museum.
80.  鈥擧e didn鈥檛 go to the lecture this morning, did he? 锛 锛
鈥 _____ . Though he was not feeling very well.
A. No, he didn鈥檛     B. Yes; he did       C. No, he did    D. Yes, he didn鈥檛
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 姝ゆ棰樿冩煡闄勫姞鐤戦棶鍙ョ殑鍥炵瓟锛屽湪闄勫姞鐤戦棶鍙ヤ腑锛屽鏋滀簨瀹炴槸鑲畾鐨勶紝灏辩敤鑲畾鍥炵瓟锛屽弽涔嬶紝鍒欑敤鍚﹀畾鍥炵瓟銆傛牴鎹笅鍙ワ細Though he was not feeling very well. 灏界浠栨劅鍒颁笉鑸掓湇锛屽彲鐭ヤ粬鍘讳簡銆
81. 鈥擧ave you found  the information about the famous people ________ you can use for the report? 锛 锛
鈥擭ot yet. I鈥檒l search some on the Internet.
A. who                   B. what                   C. whom               D. which
瑙f瀽锛 閫塂. 姝ら瀹规槗璇堿, C. 鍏跺疄锛屼粩缁嗗垎鏋愬彞瀛愮粨鏋勶紝鎴戜滑鍙戠幇瀹氳浠庡彞鐨勫厛琛岃瘝鏄痠nformation鑰岄潪people锛 about the famous people鏄厛琛岃瘝鐨勫悗缃畾璇
82. The doctor did what he could _____ the dying man.   锛 锛
A. save         B. to save           C. saved          D. saving
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 姝ら瀛︾敓瀹规槗鍙楁濈淮瀹氬娍褰卞搷褰卞搷浼氳閫堿, 鍏跺疄鏈鏄冩煡鍔ㄨ瘝涓嶅畾寮忚〃鐩殑銆
83. The life we were used to ______ greatly since 1980.  锛 锛
A. change         B. has changed       C. changing        D. have changed
瑙f瀽锛氶塀.  姝ら涔熻緝闅俱 瀛︾敓寰寰瀹规槗璇堿, C. 鏍规嵁鍙ユ剰锛氭垜涔犳儻浜嗙殑鐢熸椿鑷粠1980骞翠互鏉ュ彂鐢熶簡宸ㄥぇ鍙樺寲銆倃e wrer used  to鍋歍he life鐨勫悗缃畾璇
84. These coats are different _____ size. 锛 锛
A. from          B. of               C. to              D. in
瑙f瀽锛 閫塂. 姝ら瀛︾敓鏈瀹规槗璇堿.    鍙ユ剰锛氳繖浜涘琛e湪灏哄澶у皬涓嶄竴銆
85.鈥擶ill you join us to play basketball on Saturday afternoon? 锛 锛
鈥擾_______, but I promised to go swimming with Eric.
A. Never mind    B. Many thanks    C. Take it easy     D. With pleasure
瑙f瀽锛 閫塂. 姝ら鑰冩煡鏃ュ父浜ら檯鐢ㄨ锛屾牴鎹瓟璇彲鐭ラ夋嫨D. 鍗筹細鎴戦潪甯镐箰鎰忓拰浣犱滑鎵撶鐞冿紝浣嗘垜绛斿簲鍜孍ric鍘绘父娉充簡銆
86.  鈥擶hom would you like to be your assistant, Jack or David? 锛 锛
鈥擨f I had to choose, David would be ____ choice. 
A. good        B. better         C. the better      D. the best
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨C. 姝ら瀹规槗璇塀. 姣旇緝绾т竴鑸儏鍐典笅涓嶅姞瀹氬啝璇峵he, 浣嗚〃绀轰袱鑰呰緝......鏃讹紝鍒欏繀椤诲姞the銆
87. 鈥擶here did you go on holiday this summer? England? 锛 锛
鈥擸ou are _____. We went on a 10-day trip to Paris. 
A. fuuny        B. right         C. cool           D.close
瑙f瀽锛 閫塂.  姝ら瀹规槗璇塀. 浣嗙粏蹇冪殑瀛︾敓涓鐪嬫渶鍚庝竴鍙ュ氨鐭ラ亾England鍜孭aris骞朵笉鏄竴涓湴鏂癸紝璇存槑闂瘽浜烘病鏈夎瀵广傞夋嫨D鎰忎负浣犲揩瑕佽瀵逛簡銆俢lose鍦ㄦ鍙ユ槸褰㈠璇嶏紝鎰忔濇槸杩戠殑锛屾帴杩戠殑銆
88. Shanghai is larger than _____ city in New Zealand. 锛 锛
A. any other      B. other         C. all other       D. any
瑙f瀽锛 閫塂.  姝ら瀛︾敓涔熷鏄撳嚭閿欍傚彞鎰忥細涓婃捣姣旀柊瑗垮叞浠讳綍鍩庡競閮借澶с傚鏋滄妸New Zealand鎹㈡垚China, 鍒欓夋嫨A, 闇瑕佹妸瀹冩湰韬帓闄ゅ湪澶栥
89. 鈥擶ho is singing in the next room?  锛 锛
鈥擾____ must be Maria.
A. It             B. She           C. This          
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨A.  姝ら瀹规槗璇塀. 鍦ㄨ嫳璇腑锛屽鐚滄祴鐨勬垨鎸囦唬韬唤涓嶆槑鐨勯氬父鐢╥t鏉ヤ唬鏇裤
90.鈥擜gain, my computer doesn鈥檛 work. 锛 锛
鈥擾_______must be something wrong with the CPU.
A. There         B. That           C.  It            D. This
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨A.  姝ら瀹规槗璇塁. 姝ら鍏跺疄鏄冩煡there be鍙ュ瀷銆俆here  be  something wrong with sth鏌愪簨鍑洪棶棰樹簡銆俆here  must  be  something wrong with sth鏌愪簨涓瀹氬嚭闂浜嗐
91. She was born _______ the evening of August 8, 2008. 锛 锛
A. in            B. on           C. at            D. with
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 姝ら瀛︾敓浼氳閫堿. 鍏蜂綋鏌愬ぉ鐢╫n銆
92.They preferred ______ in bed rather than _____ horses.  锛 锛
A.to lie; to ride     B.lying; riding     C.to lie; ride     D.lying; ride
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨C. 姝ら瀹规槗璇塀, D. 姝ら鑰冩煡鍙ュ瀷prefer to do sth rather than do sth銆傛瘮璧峰仛鏌愪簨瀹佹効鍋氭煇浜嬨
93. Can you imagine that __ little ants can eat __ many big worms. 锛 锛
A.so; so          B.such; such       C.such; so       D.so; such
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨C. 姝ら鍙楁濈淮瀹氬娍褰卞搷瀹规槗閫堿. 鏈涓璴ittle鎰忎负鈥滃皬鐨勨濊岄潪鈥滃皯鐨勨濄傞偅涔堢涓绌哄氨搴旇閫夋嫨such銆
94.We must do everything we can__waste water from running into rivers. 锛 锛
A.keep           B.kept             C.to keep       D.keeping
瑙f瀽锛氶塁. 姝ら瀛︾敓瀹规槗鍙楁濈淮瀹氬娍褰卞搷褰卞搷浼氳閫堿, 鍏跺疄鏈鏄冩煡鍔ㄨ瘝涓嶅畾寮忚〃鐩殑銆
95. He鈥檒l use what he has _____ her a new dress.  锛 锛
A.bought         B.to buy           C.buying        D.been bought
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 姝ら瀹规槗璇堿. 鍏跺疄鏈鏄冩煡鍔ㄨ瘝涓嶅畾寮忚〃鐩殑
96.Everyone except Tom and John ______ seen the film.  锛 锛
A.is             B.has              C.are           D.have
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 姝ら鑰冩煡涓昏皳涓鑷淬傚彞瀛愪腑涓昏鍚湁except, with, as well was 绛夎瘝鏃讹紝璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝涓嶅彈鍚庨潰褰卞搷锛屼笌鍓嶉潰涓昏淇濇寔涓鑷淬侲veryone鏄笉瀹氫唬璇嶏紝璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鐢ㄥ崟鏁般
97.鈥擩olin, how long have you been a teacher as a pop star? 锛 锛
鈥擾_____the end of last month, after Jolin鈥檚 English Diary Book came out.
A. Since         B. In              C. By           D. At
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨A. 姝ら瀛︾敓瀹规槗璇塁. D. 鏍规嵁涓婂彞鐜板湪瀹屾垚鏃讹紝鍙兘鐢╯ince銆
(   ) 98.鈥擧ello, could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?  锛 锛
鈥擲orry, there isn鈥檛 ____Mr. Smith here.
A. the           B. a            C. an           D. /
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 姝ら寰堥毦銆 浜哄悕锛屽湴鍚嶇瓑涓撴湁鍚嶈瘝鍓嶄竴鑸病鏈夊啝璇嶏紝浣嗘湰鍙ュ彞鎰忔槸锛氳繖閲屾病鏈変竴涓彨Mr. Smith鐨勪汉銆
(   ) 99. 鈥撯揥ho is on the playground?   锛 锛
A. No one        B. None        C. too much     D. A lot
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨A銆 none 鍙互鍥炵瓟How many寮曞鐨勭壒娈婄枒闂彞锛宯o one鐢ㄦ潵鍥炵瓟Who 寮曞鐨勭壒娈婄枒闂彞銆
(   ) 100. She asked me _____ I would do it or not. 锛 锛
A. if            B. whether        C. as          D. until
瑙f瀽锛氶塀.  If鍜寃hether閮藉彲浠ョ敤鏉ュ紩瀵煎璇粠鍙ワ紝琛ㄧず鈥滄槸鍚︹濅箣鎰忋備絾褰撳悗闈㈡湁or  not鏃跺彧鑳界敤whether銆
101. 鈥擟ould you tell me___________?  锛 锛
鈥 She has a pain in her face.
A. what is the matter with her      B. what鈥檚 wrong with him
C. what the matter is with her      D. what wrong is with him
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨A銆 姝ら鎴戜滑瀹规槗鎺掗櫎B, D, 鍥犱负鍚庨潰鐨勪富璇槸She.  姝ら瀛︾敓瀹规槗璇塁. 鍏跺疄鏈涓璚hat 灏辨槸涓昏锛屾晠璇簭涓嶅彉銆
(   ) 102. Put it down, Richard, you mustn鈥檛 read __ letter. 锛 锛
A. anyone鈥檚 else鈥檚    B. anyone鈥檚 else    C. anyone else鈥檚   D. anyone else
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨C. 姝ら瀹规槗璇堿, B.  anyone else浠讳綍鍏朵粬浜猴紱 anyone else鈥檚 浠讳綍鍏朵粬浜虹殑銆
103. Do you have _______ to tell me? 锛 锛
A. something important       B. important something
C. anything important        D. important anything
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨C銆 褰㈠璇嶄慨楗颁笉瀹氫唬璇嶅繀椤绘斁鍦ㄥ叾鍚庨潰锛屾垜浠帓闄, D. 姝ゅ彞鏄竴鑸枒闂彞鐢╝nything銆
104. Butter and cheese ______ in price. 锛 锛
A. is gone up    B. have gone up    C. are gone up   D. has gone up
瑙f瀽锛 閫塂. 姝ら瀹规槗鎺掗櫎A, B. 鍥犱负杩欓噷涓嶈〃琚姩锛孊utter and cheese鏄竴绉嶇墿璐ㄨ岄潪涓ょ鐗╄川銆
105. In our country every boy and every girl ______ the right to education. 锛 锛
A. has         B. have       C. is      D. are
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨A. 鑰冩煡涓昏皳涓鑷淬俥very +鍚嶈瘝鍗曟暟 and every 鍚嶈瘝鍗曟暟锛岃皳璇姩璇嶇敤鍗曟暟銆
106. A man of words and not of deeds ____ a graden full of weed. 锛 锛
A. like        B. likes       C. is like     D. are like
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨C銆 鍙ュ瓙涓昏鏄痑  man. 鍙ユ剰鏄細娉ㄩ噸璇█鑰岀己灏戣鍔ㄧ殑浜虹姽濡備竴涓暱婊¤崏鐨勮姳鍥
107. John plays basketball ______, if not better than Jim. 锛 锛

A. as well     B. so well as     C. so well     D. as well as
瑙f瀽锛 閫塂. 鍙ユ剰锛 John鎵撶悆濡傛灉涓嶆槸鎵撳緱姣擩im濂斤紝灏辨槸鎵撳緱涓庝粬涓鏍峰ソ銆
108. _____ neither you nor he enjoy fast food? 锛 锛
A. Do          B. Does         C. Is        D. Are
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨A. 鎸夌収灏辫繎鍘熷垯閫夋嫨A. 鍙ユ剰锛氫綘鍜屼粬閮戒笉鍠滄蹇銆
109. The population of the world ______ still _____ now. 锛 锛
A. has, grown   B. is, growing    C. will, grow    D. are growing
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 鏈鑰冩煡涓昏皳涓鑷村拰鏃舵併俆he population of浣滀富璇紝璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鐢ㄥ崟鏁帮紝鍚庨潰鏈夋椂闂村壇璇峮ow锛屾墍浠ョ敤鐜板湪杩涜鏃躲
110. Half of the students ______ made the same mistakes. 锛 锛
A. has    B. have    C. is    D. are
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 鍒嗘暟浣滀富璇紝璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鐨勬暟鍙栧喅浜庡悗闈㈢殑鍚嶈瘝锛屽悕璇嶆槸鍙暟鍚嶈瘝澶嶆暟锛岃皳璇姩璇嶇敤鍗曟暟锛屽鏋滃悕璇嶆槸涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇嶅垯璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鐢ㄥ崟鏁般
111. Nobody but Jane and Lily ______ the secret. 锛 锛
A. knows     B. know     C. have know    D. is known
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨A銆傛棰樿冩煡涓昏皳涓鑷淬傚彞瀛愪腑涓昏鍚湁except, with, as well was锛宐ut 绛夎瘝鏃讹紝璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝涓嶅彈鍚庨潰褰卞搷锛屼笌鍓嶉潰涓昏淇濇寔涓鑷淬俷obody鏄笉瀹氫唬璇嶏紝璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝鐢ㄥ崟鏁般
112. The teacher and writer ______ coming to our school this afternoon. 锛 锛
A. is    B. are    C. be    D. was
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨A銆傛棰樺鏄撹閫堿, the teacher and the writer鎸囧悓涓涓汉銆傛湰棰樻剰涓猴細閭d綅鑰佸笀鍏间綔瀹朵粖澶╀笅鍗堣鏉ユ垜浠鏍°
113. He as well as his classmates ________ English. 锛 锛
A. like     B. likes     C. liked     D. have liked
瑙f瀽锛氶塀. 姝ら鑰冩煡涓昏皳涓鑷淬傚彞瀛愪腑涓昏鍚湁except, with, as well was锛宐ut 绛夎瘝鏃讹紝璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝涓嶅彈鍚庨潰褰卞搷锛屼笌鍓嶉潰涓昏淇濇寔涓鑷淬侶e鏄 鍗曟暟锛岃皳璇姩璇嶇敤鍗曟暟銆
114. 鈥擲hall I give you a ride as you look so tired? 锛 锛
鈥擳hank you. _______.
A. It鈥檚 your duty.  B. Don鈥檛 mention it   
C. Do as you like  D. It couldn鈥檛 be better
瑙f瀽锛 閫塂. 鑰冩煡鏃ュ父浜ら檯鐢ㄨ銆 It couldn鈥檛 be better鎰忎负鈥滄病鏈夋瘮杩欐洿濂界殑浜嗏濄
115. 鈥擱emember to ask her to call me back.鈥擾_______. 锛 锛
A. Never mind     B. That鈥檚 right    C. Up to you       D. Got it
瑙f瀽锛 閫塂. 鑰冩煡鏃ュ父浜ら檯鐢ㄨ銆侴ot it鎰忎负鈥濇槑鐧戒簡锛岀煡閬撲簡鈥濄
116. Lucy did no better than Lily, because both of them didn鈥檛 pass the exam. 锛 锛
A. as better as     B. as well as     C. as badly as     D. as bad as
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨C銆俷o better than鎰忎负鈥滃拰鈥︹︿竴鏍蜂笉濂解
117. He goes to work by bike once in a while. 锛 锛
A. often        B. never       C. sometimes     D. ever
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨C銆俹nce in a while鎰忎负鈥滄湁鏃讹紝鍋跺皵鈥濄
118. She wasn鈥檛 afraid to tell him the truth, though he might get angry. 锛 锛
A. didn鈥檛 dare     B. dared      C. agreed     D. disagreed
瑙f瀽锛氶堿. wasn鈥檛 afraid to do sth涓嶆曞仛鏌愪簨銆
119. I would have been late for work if Mr. Green hadn鈥檛 given me a ride last Friday. 锛 锛
A. lent me his bike   B. let me take his bikeC. reminded me of the time     D. picked me up
瑙f瀽锛 閫塂.  give
sb a ride鐢ㄨ溅鎺ユ煇浜猴紝缁欐煇浜烘惌渚胯溅銆
120. Grandmother is badly ill. We must send for a doctor at once. 锛 锛

A. ask a doctor to come   B. look after a doctor   
C. go to see a doctor   D. ask for
瑙f瀽锛氶夋嫨A. send for a doctor娲句汉鍘昏鍖荤敓銆

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锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟街讹拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟街家斤拷 锟斤拷诩医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 卢锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟街家斤拷 闸锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟接家斤拷 锟斤拷锟叫家斤拷 锟斤拷山锟揭斤拷
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锟斤拷目锟揭斤拷 英锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟侥家斤拷 锟斤拷学锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷学锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟叫革拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷思锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷通锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟较猴拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 英锟斤拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 小学锟斤拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 小学锟斤拷学锟揭斤拷 小学英锟斤拷医锟 小学锟斤拷锟侥家斤拷 锟斤拷锟叫帮拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷一锟斤拷锟斤拷英锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷一锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷学锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷一锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷一锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟侥家斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷英锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷学锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷学锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟侥家斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷史锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟叫碉拷锟斤拷医锟 锟叫匡拷锟斤拷锟斤辅锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟叫帮拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷一锟竭讹拷英锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷一锟竭讹拷锟斤拷学锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷一锟竭讹拷锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷一锟竭讹拷锟斤拷学锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷一锟竭讹拷锟斤拷锟侥家斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷英锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷学锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷学锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟侥家斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷史锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟叫碉拷锟斤拷医锟 锟竭匡拷锟斤拷锟斤辅锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟较猴拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 英锟斤拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟铰革拷锟斤拷英锟斤拷医锟 牛锟斤拷英锟斤拷医锟 锟叫革拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷思锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷英锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 小锟脚家斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷锟缴管家斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷斯锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟街家斤拷 锟斤拷锟劫家斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟劫家斤拷 小锟斤拷锟劫家斤拷 锟斤拷锟捷家斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟街凤拷锟劫家斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟劫家斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟矫家斤拷 锟斤拷锟缴管家斤拷 双锟缴管家斤拷 锟斤拷锟窖家斤拷 锟斤拷锟劫家斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷斯锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷旨医锟 锟斤拷偶医锟 锟斤拷锟窖家斤拷 锟斤拷锟矫家斤拷 锟街凤拷锟劫家斤拷 锟斤拷锟捷家斤拷 锟斤拷锟劫家斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟劫家斤拷 圆锟脚家斤拷 锟竭碉拷锟斤拷学锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 乒锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷泳锟揭斤拷 围锟斤拷医锟 锟叫癸拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷毛锟斤拷医锟 锟叫癸拷锟斤拷锟斤拷医锟 锟斤拷通锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟介法锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷拳锟斤拷锟揭斤拷 锟斤拷锟街碉拷锟揭斤拷
锟揭斤拷锟斤拷讯 锟斤拷讯频锟斤拷锟斤拷页 锟斤拷锟铰讹拷态 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷 锟叫匡拷锟斤拷讯 锟竭匡拷锟斤拷讯 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷讯 学习锟斤拷锟斤拷 锟斤拷学锟斤拷锟斤拷 锟揭筹拷校园 锟斤拷庭锟斤拷锟斤拷 锟缴筹拷锟斤拷锟斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟 锟斤拷锟秸憋拷锟斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷 师锟斤拷锟斤拷学 锟斤拷锟斤拷同锟斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟 锟斤拷学锟斤拷锟 英锟斤拷锟斤拷锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟 锟斤拷学锟斤拷锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟 锟斤拷史锟斤拷锟斤拷 锟斤拷炭锟斤拷锟 锟斤拷锟斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷 锟揭筹拷锟斤拷锟斤拷 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷询

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锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷 锟斤拷系锟斤拷式 维权说锟斤拷 锟斤拷站锟斤拷锟斤拷 锟斤拷罘绞 锟斤拷员锟斤拷聘 锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷锟斤拷 锟斤拷医锟斤拷锟斤拷锟 学员锟秸费憋拷准 锟斤拷选锟斤拷锟绞斤拷员 锟斤拷锟皆ぴ硷拷锟斤拷锟 预约锟揭斤拷说锟斤拷 锟斤拷员锟秸费憋拷准 锟剿匡拷细锟斤拷 锟斤拷锟角硷拷锟斤拷员锟斤拷准